Class 2 Home Learning Friday 26th June

Good Morning Class 2

Here are your learning activities for today.


As it’s Friday, it’s time for another Family Friday Challenge! Try to work through as many of the questions independently and then work as a family to complete the challenge.



Spend 15 to 20 minutes today on TT Rockstars practising your multiplication facts.


June 27th sees the start of London Climate Action Week. One of the factors affecting climate change is plastics pollution. Today you have a reading comprehension based around this world wide problem.


Year 3: Read the one star text and answer the one star questions.

Year 4: Read the two star text and answer the two star questions.

Year 5: Read the three star text and answer the three star questions.


PE with Joe Wicks on Youtube at 9.00am or catch up later in the day.


To link in with London Climate Action Week, learn about plastics and sustainability.

Have a great day, stay alert and enjoy the weekend.

Mr Church