Class 2 Homework 28.05.21

Hello Class 2

Over the half term break I would like you to continue thinking about you Bookfest stories. Four members of Class 3 came into our class on Friday to show us their books. They even read us their blurb and author description.

So, I would like you to write your own author description (remember you’re the author).

I have included a model of an author description for you to look at.

Author description examples – pdf

Author description examples – word document

Please bring your Homework with you on the first day back. It can be typed or hand written.

You also need to spend time practising your Times tables on TT rockstars. I am more and more impressed each week with the amount of children being close to or moving up to their next times tables. Keep working hard!

Finally, you also need read a book and complete the quiz on Fiction Express or read your own book from home.

Don’t forget to practise your spellings for Monday.

Have a fantastic half term and stay safe.

Miss Gray