Home Learning Tuesday 30th June

Good morning Class 2,

I hope you had a good Monday? The children who were back to school in group B did really well with their tasks. I hope you did too. Here are today’s tasks:


For today’s warm up can you complete the shape identifying game on purple mash.

Here are today’s White Rose materials. Please find the links for the videos and the activities below. This week we will be using some of the alternative materials, so the link to the videos may look different than usual.
Year 3 lesson 2 Recognise and describe 2d shapes
Year 4 Lesson 2 – Comparison sum and difference
Year 5 -Lesson 2 – Drawing lines and angles accurately
year 3 Lesson 2 – Recognise and describe 2D shapes
year 4 Lesson 2 – Comparison sum and difference
year 5 Lesson 2 – Drawing lines and angles accurately

year 3 Lesson 2 Answers – Recognise and describe 2D shapes
Year 4 Lesson 2 Answers – Comparison sum and difference

year 5 Lesson 2 Answers – Drawing lines and angles accurately


Over the next couple of weeks we are going to be building towards writing our own superhero story. Today I would like you to think of superheroes that you like and start to design your own superhero. Can you think about what he/she would look like? What their special powers would be? Try to write a short description of your superhero using the prompt sheets below.

Creating superheroes PP

My Superhero writing frame



What if we couldn’t exercise?

Please watch this video about the importance of exercise.

BBC clip

The NHS suggests that to stay healthy children between the ages of 5 and 18 should do 60 minutes of physical activity every day. We need to exercise to stay healthy and happy and keep our bodies strong.

Please watch the powerpoint below.

Importance of exercise

Can you create a poster persuading people to exercise more? Try to include some of the health benefits of exercising in your poster.



Something else?

Can you create your own Joe Wicks style HIIT workout?
Choose 10 exercises you can do in your living room or back garden. Perform each move for 30 seconds with 30 seconds rest. Repeat for 20 minutes!
Challenge your grown-ups to complete your workout. Who is the fittest in your family?!