Home learning tasks Wed 25th March

Dear Class One

I hope you’ve had an enjoyable week so far.  I’ve set some tasks on Purple Mash for you to complete today. It won’t let me set work by year group at the moment so I’ve assigned all tasks to everyone but please see below the exact task for your year group.  Any problems, please contact me through Class Dojo and I’ll be available to help as best as I can!

Reception – please look at 2 create a story for English and Paint project colours for Maths.

Year One – please complete a profile writing task for either a superhero or a pop star (I look forward to seeing who you choose) for English and complete number bonds to 10 for Maths.

Year Two – please complete a profile writing task for either a superhero or a pop star (I look forward to seeing who you choose) for English and complete number bonds to 20 for Maths.

Everybody – please could you try to plant the seed that I put into your packs – then we can begin writing our diaries later on this week.

Thank you

Ms Dunn