Class 3 home learning 25.3.20

Hello all! I hope you’re enjoying your home learning tasks. The feedback I have received so far has been positive so let’s keep up the good work!

Maths: The maths questions today are reasoning questions related to yesterday’s learning.

RN 1a

RN 5a

RN 9a

English: Today’s task revolves around the children applying their learning from yesterday based on expanded noun phrases.

ENP 1a

ENP 5a

ENP 9a

I would also like the children to listen to David Walliams reading a short story at 11am via the following link. Once they have listened, I would like them to write a short summary of the story accompanied by an illustration of their favourite part! Please feel free to share pictures of your work on the ‘portfolio’ section of class dojo! I’d love to see them!

I have assigned several activities on purple mash as well as the next french lesson on duolingo.

Please continue to do P.E with Joe everyday via youtube and share any pictures or videos of your work via ‘portfolios’ on class dojo!

Have a great day!

Miss France