Home learning 26.03.20

Dear Class One

I hope you have been making the most of the sunshine this week!  I’m still trying to get groups set up onto Purple Mash so for today all work will be assigned to all pupils but please read the info below as to what tasks have been given to your child/children.  Hopefully it will be into groups by next week and therefore be much clearer.

Reception: English – invent own minibeast.  Maths – Paint: basic shapes.  Topic -Minibeast facts.

Year One: English – Minibeast captions.  Maths – addition and subtraction 0-20.  Topic – Minibeast facts.

Year Two: English – Minibeast vocabulary.  Maths – addition and subtraction facts. Topic – Minibeast facts.

You also have your packs to work through and if you fancy some exercise, Joe Wicks is doing a daily workout for children on his youtube channel live every morning at 9am at The Body Coach tv.