Home learning – 30.04.20

Good morning, hope you are all okay today.  Here are your home learning tasks for today:


Maths – can you do a graph of your toys?  Maybe you could group together all of your teddies and count them, all of your dolls, your cars etc and see how many you have of each.  Can you count them up and write the number underneath each column?

English – I loved your favourite zoo animal work from yesterday. Could you write me a story about an adventure your animal has and draw me a picture?

Topic – choose something from the Rainbow Fish list. Remember that tomorrow we are doing Science if you have some food colouring and oil to hand.

Year One

Maths – Can you make a graph out of the food in your house? Could you group together tins of soup, or packets of rice, eggs etc. Whatever you can find.  Can you count up each item and represent it as a pictogram, or a tally chart, or a bar graph? Write how many are in each column.

English – after writing which zoo animal you liked best yesterday, could you write me an adventure story about them today?  Imagine they escape from the zoo, where could they go to and what could they do? Who would they take with them and will they return to the zoo at the end of the story?  Don’t forget to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in your writing.  See if you can use some joining words in your writing too.  I can’t wait to read them!

Topic – choose one of the tasks on your list to do.  Don’t forget that tomorrow there is a Science experiment if you have some food colouring and oil in the house.

Year Two

Maths – Can you make a graph out of the food in your house? Could you group together tins of soup, or packets of rice, eggs etc. Whatever you can find. Can you count up each item and represent it as a pictogram, or a tally chart, or a bar graph? Could you answer some questions about your findings.  What do you have most of? What do you have least of?  How many things did you find altogether? What is your favourite thing you found? What is your least favourite thing? Add two foods together – what is the combined total?

English – after writing which zoo animal you liked best yesterday, could you write me an adventure story about them today? Imagine they escape from the zoo, where could they go to and what could they do? Who would they take with them and will they return to the zoo at the end of the story? Don’t forget to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in your writing. Try to use some good descriptive writing and use different words to join your sentences together instead of using ‘and’ to do so.  I look forward to reading your work!

Topic – choose something from your list to do today.  Remember that we are doing a Science experiment tomorrow if you have food colouring and oil.