Class 3 home learning tasks 1.5.20

Happy Friday Class 3! You’ve smashed another week of home learning, GO YOU!

Maths: Have a go at these challenge cards first: Challenge Cards

Here’s a lovely little BODMAS lesson:

English: Try this word class warm-up first: Grammar warm-up

This should answer the age old question of ‘What’s the difference between a dash and a hyphen?’

Weekly Project: Today is hand in day for your weekly projects! Please either add them to your portfolio’s on Class Dojo, send them to me in a message on Class Dojo or email them to me!

P.E: I hope you enjoyed the Harry Potter yoga lesson yesterday! If you’d rather do P.E with Joe today then that is absolutely fine or you can try Star Wars yoga!

Please don’t forget to send me your reading plan for the next coming weeks!

Extra: Try out this interactive jungle animals powerpoint!

Jungle Animals – What am I?

Have a great weekend!

Miss France