Class 3 home learning tasks 5.5.20

Goooooood morning everyone!

Before we get into today’s lessons, a student from our class (Lauren) has come up with a great idea! As Lauren and myself are missing you all, how about you send me a picture of yourself doing something you love? It could be school related… OR it could be with your pet, your family, playing football, sat on a tractor… anything you like! I’m beginning to forget what you look like so this may be a nice way to remind me, and also a great way for your fellow classmates to see how you’re getting on! Feel free to write a little message on some paper to your friends and be as creative as you like!

OK, so back to today’s lessons! Just so you’re aware, I have chosen to go with Bitesize lessons as I am aware some people don’t have access to printers and have been struggling to complete the work as a result of this. The Bitesize lessons closely follow the Year 6 curriculum and the maths is created in partnership with White Rose Maths which is the same format and structure to the maths I deliver at school.

Maths: First, complete this arithmetic warm-up: Arithmetic warm-up

Today you will be simplifying fractions, something we have done a lot of work on at school!

English: Here’s a grammar warm-up: Grammar warm-up

On bitesize you’ll be analysing setting descriptions!

Extra: Tom Palmer (author of Armistice Runner) is delivering a live reading from his new book today over on facebook! Armistice runner was very popular with everyone, so I think this might be popular with you all also. His new book is about the Second World War and he’ll be taking questions LIVE! So get thinking of some good, thought provoking questions!

History: There’s a really fun lesson on Ancient Egypt on bitesize!

Please continue with all your other online learning websites! If you are yet to send me your work, then please do! I am eagerly waiting!

Contact me if you have any problems! Have a great day!

Miss France