Class 1 Home learning Activities -Tuesday 12th may

Hello today’s activities are:


Phonics – Watch the 2 learning video on dojos class story for letter formation and your new sounds ur ow then complete the activity on purple mash.

English – Draw a story map of ‘The very Hungry Caterpillar’ in your yellow book. The children have drawn story maps before but I’ll record a demonstration on dojos class story for you.

Maths – Work through the power point ‘halving fruit for parrots’ halving-fruits-for-parrots-powerpoint-   As a follow up activity. Outside or inside collect groups of objects up to 20 (even numbers only) for children to halve. e.g ask pupil to count out 12 stones and share them into two groups to find half. Ask pupil to recount to be able to say half of 12 is 6. Please take photos or record on dojos.

Design and Technology – Yesterday you planned to make a fruit kebab so today you can make it! Enjoy! Have a go at recording answers to evaluation questions on purple mash. Can you draw your kebab using paint on purple mash.

Year 1:

Phonics – Watch the learning video on dojos Class story. Then complete the activity on purple mash.

English – Complete the quiz and paint project on purple mash related to chapter 3 of the story you read yesterday.

Maths – Watch the learning video to ‘add and subtract by making 10’ Then complete the additions on purple mash.

Design and Technology – Yesterday you planned to make a fruit kebab so today you can make it! Enjoy! Have a go at recording answers to evaluation questions on purple mash. Can you draw your kebab using paint on purple mash.

Year 2:

Phonics – Complete the activities on the slideshow on purple mash following on from your prefix work yesterday.

English – Complete the yes/no quiz and paint project on purple mash related to chapter 4 of the story you read yesterday.

Maths – Watch the learning slide show for adding and subtracting 2 digit numbers and tens Then complete the maths activities on the 2 sheets. add and subtract 10’s      and     Addition and subtraction mosaic

Design and Technology – Yesterday you planned to make a fruit kebab so today you can make it! Enjoy! Evaluate your design from this template, copy or print out. Evaluating my fruit kebab Can you draw your kebab using paint on purple mash.