Class 3 home learning tasks 13.5.20

Morning everyone! Your class dojo portfolio’s are looking great! If you are yet to send me any evidence of work, please do so as it will have an impact on your end of Year 6 outcomes. The grades given out will be based on all of the work you have completed since September, so keep adding to those portfolio’s!

English: In a somewhat fitting fashion, your focus in English today is speech writing. There are lots of great examples of moving speeches on youtube by great leaders such as: Barrack Obama, Martin Luther King and Winston Churchill.

Maths: Continuing with the theme of fractions, today you will be multiplying them!

Geography: One of my favourite things about Class 3 is how aware and passionate you all are about the environment and the different ways we can help prevent global warming. A right bunch of eco-warriors! With that in mind, I saw this Geography lesson about the sustainability of plastics and thought you would enjoy it!

Carry on with weekly projects, exercising, CGP books, Duolingo, TT Rockstars (I’ve challenged you all) and Purple mash. 

Have a great day! Email me if you need anything!

Miss France