Class 3 home learning tasks 14.5.20

Good morning everyone! Hopefully you have read the letter on the school website regarding the potential re-opening of the school on the 1st of June. If you could please let me know your thoughts and whether you would be happy to send your child back into school on this day, that would be greatly appreciated as we are beginning to formulate a structured plan.

Here is a link to the letter if you are yet to read it:

English: Following on from yesterday’s speech writing, today you will be writing a debate argument. Something else you might have seen recently on tv!

Maths: Today you will be dividing fractions!

Extra: Today’s activity on the WWF website is about the polar regions, something we studied at great length in class. Let’s see how much you can remember!,11B4Q,71AOC6,3Y6MI,1#planet

I have assigned some additional lessons on purple mash so go and have a look!

Please keep your work and pictures coming in! It’s all looking fantastic!

Contact me if you have any questions!

Miss France