Class 3 home learning 7.1.21

Good morning Class 3! You made it through y our first day of home learning, go you!


Please continue practising TTrockstars, this daily practise will help across all of your maths work, even if you think you don’t need it!

Have another go at this: 13 – 24 Times tables See if you can beat yesterday’s score! Keep a note of your scores so you can see the progress you are making!

Today’s white rose is on improper fractions, here the video to watch first:

Once you’ve watch the video have a go at these questions: Improper fractions worksheet

When you’ve completed the worksheet it is time to check your answers, please be honest and mark your work accurately: Answer sheet


Following on from yesterday’s plan, I would like you to write the first draft of your Christmas recount. I don’t mind if you want to type this up and send it to me attached to an email or write it by hand and send me a photo of it. Both are completely fine. Please ensure you are using:

  1. High-level vocabulary
  2. Paragraphs
  3. Conjunctions to link sentences
  4. Figurative language

I’m looking forward to reading them!


Please read on fiction express everyday and complete the quizzes as you go!


In RE this term, we are going to be learning about Islam. Islam is a beautiful and widely practised religion, so it’s important for us to understand! Here is your lesson for today. Using the information you learn in today’s RE lesson, I would like you to begin making a powerpoint presentation about Islam. Each week you will add more information to your powerpoint presentation as you continue to learn about Islam.


Please log on to charanga yumu and complete the first lesson I have sent you based on Three Little Birds by Bob Marley! (Shut the door is you have adults/siblings working from home, you wouldn’t want to disturb them).

As always, please contact me if you have any questions!

Have a great day!

Miss France