Class 3 home learning 12.1.21

Good morning Class 3! We have a teams meeting today at 2pm, so please make sure you have accepted my invitation as it won’t be very fun all by myself!


Warm yourselves up on TTrockstars, have a go on garage mode, studio and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends!

Then you can try and beat your time on the infamous 13 – 24 Times Tables sheet.

Here is the worksheet for today! Compare and Order Fractions

Check your answers once you’ve finished: Answer Sheet


Following on from yesterday’s lesson, I would like you to write an advert persuading people to come and see the wonder of the headlight beetles! People travel from all over the world to see the Northern Lights, yet no one seems to know or cares about the natural phenomenon that is the headlight beetle. Change their minds! You can type or handwrite this piece of work and we will be discussing and sharing our work in the teams meeting at 2pm!


The new chapters are out on fiction express! Get reading them so you can tell me all about them during our catch up later!


In computing this half term I thought it would be very relevant to look at video editing. I know you all enjoy youtube and some of you enjoy tiktok so this might be just the knowledge you need to start your own online empire! Click here.


Ok, so we BRIEFLY spoke about the DT module in one of our catch up meetings, but to remind you, we are going to be designing and eventually making (and eating!) pizzas! To kick off this exciting topic, I would like you to research the history of pizza.

  1. Where do they originate?
  2. Who was the first pizza chef?
  3. What types of pizzas are traditional?
  4. Which countries eat pizza? How many do they eat a year?
  5. When did pizzas come to the United Kingdom?

I’ve put together this booklet if you have a printer at home, if not don’t worry you can create a powerpoint of your research OR if you do not have access to a powerpoint you can make a fact file either on your computer or hand written! I would like to challenge you all to find me the MOST interesting fact about pizza! We can share our facts in our next teams catch up! Try not to get too hungry in the process! Pizza Project Booklet

Keep practising your spellings and when you’ve finished the work, log in to purple mash and complete your 2do’s!

Don’t forget to send me evidence of your work once you have completed everything!

As always I am here if you need any help or have any questions and I shall speak to you all at 2pm! Have a great day!

Miss France