Class 3 home learning 13.1.21

Good morning Class 3! Welcome to a brand new day! Don’t forget to email me before you start your home learning as a register so I can see who is engaging and who might need a little bit more encouragement! So, email me now. Right now. And then return to this post…


Start off with some good old TT rockstars, have a go on garage mode, studio and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends!

Now try and beat your time on the 13 – 24 Times Tables sheet! Some of you are now whizzing through those tricky times tables, so well done you!

As usual, watch the video and then complete the worksheet: Fractions worksheet

Then check your answer against the answer sheet: Answers

Please make sure all of your work is going in to your home learning books.


Today you will be learning how to use expanded noun phrases to convey complicated information correctly. Similarly to Monday’s lesson, I would like you to work through the challenges on tabs 1, 2 and 3 and then complete the worksheet. Please do not do any writing challenges as these are for tomorrow’s lesson! Click here for today’s lesson! Worksheet: Banded Mongoose – Expanded noun phrases

Reading/spellings: Please continue to practise your spellings and read a chapter on fiction express!


In Geography we are studying energy and sustainability. Today’s lesson will teach you exactly what is meant by the term ‘sustainability’.


Joe Wicks is doing another live PE lesson this morning at 9am, or if you’re still a bit sleepy that early you can stream it later on through his youtube channel.

Carry on sending pictures in of things you’ve been getting up to outside of home learning! I’ve been practising yoga at home but it’s quite difficult when Lola thinks it’s play time!

There are lots of yoga classes online if you fancy having a go at home too!

Have a great day and be kind to your loved ones!

Miss France