Class 3 home learning 15.1.21

Good morning Class 3! Well done on making it to Friday! What an amazing week, you’ve produced some brilliant work and you should all be very proud of how well you have adapted to this new way of learning! GO YOU!


As normal, please start by warming up on TT rockstars,  have a go on garage mode, studio and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends!

Then try out daily multiplication tables challenge 13 – 24 Times Tables sheet

We are continuing with adding fractions today: Adding fractions

Check your answers once you have finished: Answers


Please complete this football themed reading comprehension, it’s a little longer than last weeks, but has a lot of statistics and charts! FA Cup Reading Comprehension

Please check through your answers (with an adult if there’s one available). Comprehension answers

Have a look at this as a quick reminder before attempting today’s 2do on purple mash which is all about subordinate clauses! Subordinate Clauses Poster


Start practising your new spellings in preparation for next week’s test! Don’t forget to learn the meanings 🙂 Week 2 Spellings


Not very many of you completed last week’s French lessons. Please log on to your duolingo and work through the lessons I have assigned you.


It’s Friday which means it a PE with Joe day!

Complete your 2do’s on purple mash and then you are done for the week!

Have a great weekend and stay active! Take lots of pictures of the different stuff you get up to. Whether it’s cooking, creating some art, watching your favourite movie or playing your favourite game! Share what you get up to!

Miss France