Class One – Home Learning: Monday 18th January

Good Morning everyone and welcome to week 3 of home learning.


Today we will have a Teams meeting for a letter formation/ handwriting lesson. It would be great to see as many of you as possible. You will need a whiteboard and pen or paper and pencil.

Teams schedule: Reception 1.30pm.    Year 1&2 2pm                                                      Please accept your invitation in Teams.

Here are your activities for today.



Now read through these questions. Is the answer Yes or No?

phonics Yes No sentences qu

Year 1 and 2:



Now can you draw me 4 balloons in your book and take away (pop) 2 of them. How many are left? Can you write the number sentence underneath your drawing.                  Now draw 7 balloons and take away (pop) 1 of them. How many are left? Can you write the number sentence underneath your drawing.

Year 1 and 2:

Please can you practise you times tables by playing hit the button on the link below.

Practise x2  x5  and x10,challenge%20and%20develop%20a%20child’s%20mental%20maths%20skills.

Now please complete the questions on the link.


This week we are moving on to learning about Non-fiction texts for our topic of Wild things.


Reception: Read ‘The Headache’


Year 1: Read Home for a night.The headache R

Home for a Night (

Year 2: Read Christmas adventure.

Christmas Adventure (