Class One Home Learning – Monday 25th January

Good Morning from snowy Hodnet!

I do hope you’ve had plenty of snow too children. It’s a long time since we’ve had so much to play in? Did you build a snowman? or snowlady? or an igloo? If you want to send me a photo on dojos then I can pop them up on ‘class story’ to show all your class friends.

Here are your activities for today:

TEAMS Meeting schedule: You will need a small piece of playdough or cotton wool and paper and pencil to write with.

Reception: 1pm for a dough disco followed by mark making and handwriting.

Year 1 & 2: 1.30pm for a dough disco followed by joined handwriting.




Now head over to purple mash to complete the activity I have set.

Year 1 & 2:

Now head over to purple mash to complete the activity I have set.

(Year 1, You will find Reception Phonics th set for your year group as well on purple mash. This should be quick and easy for you to do but great practise)




Year 1 and 2:

Click on the link to warm up your brains by practising your 10’s 5’s and 2 times tables.


Watch my video to go through today’s maths questions.



Use the pictures in this link and I will explain your lesson in my video.  snowman sequencing pictures


Reception:  Today’s book in ‘Quiz’

Year 1: Today’s book is ‘Zak and Zee’

Year 2: Today’s book is ‘Pets’



Today we are going to have some guided relaxation so you might want to save this for the end of the day or when you’ve finished working/playing.