RSPB Big Garden Bird Watch

Class 3 took part in the RSPB Big Bird Watch this morning! After making fat balls earlier in the week and hanging them around the school grounds, we ventured out this morning armed with clip boards to try and spot as many different bird species as possible! It was hugely successful!

Homework 28.1.22

The homework this week, is as usual:

  • 1 maths cgp test
  • 1 english cgp test
  • Practise multiplication tables
  • Practise spellings

I am yet to receive any completed poppy artwork back in to school, so if you took yours home, please finish it!

Miss France

Class 3 homework 14.1.22

This week’s homework is:

  • If your child has taken home a piece of unfinished artwork, it would be great if they could complete it at home.
  • Complete one ten minute maths test in CGP maths book.
  • Complete one ten minute english test in CGP english book.
  • Practise spellings.

My reason for assigning weekly homework is to better prepare the children for their time at secondary school. The CGP books are to help me identify areas of need in the children’s learning (as a result of covid lockdowns) which then informs my planning and intervention schedules for the children.

Purple mash is also still available for any additional practise you may need.

If you have any questions please ask.

Miss France