Home learning – 16.12.21

Morning all, I hope you are okay. Here are your home learning tasks for today.




Year 1


Year 2



Today we are watching Jack and the Beanstalk at the pantomime. After you have watched it, have a go at these writing activities.

Storyboard template Story comprehension KS1

We are also making Christmas cards today. Have you made any? I would love to see them.

Home learning – 15.12.21

Morning Class One, I hope you are all okay. Here are your home learning tasks for today.


Please watch this lovely story about a Christmas Pig.

Reception – please can you draw your Christmas Pig and describe him for me. Maybe he is wearing a festive hat?

Year One and Two – what adventure could your Christmas Pig have? Where does he go to and what does he go to do? Maybe he needs to help Santa save Christmas? I look forward to reading your stories throughout the day and maybe you could illustrate them too?


Reception – t-t-2544561-eyfs-christmas-themed-cut-and-stick-2d-shape-activity-sheets_ver_1

Year One – t-n-2544668-year-1-christmas-maths-time-challenge-cards_ver_1

Year Two – T-T-9026-Christmas-Maths-Challenge-Cards_ver_4


We are going to make some salt dough decorations this afternoon. Here is the recipe if you would like to make some too.


Phonics on Oxford Owl

Reception – please look at the book I Can Hop

Year One – please look at the book What Is It? Can your grown up ask you the questions at the end.

Year Two – Please can you read A Pet Tortoise. Can you tell Mrs Whitehouse how you need to care for a tortoise.



Home Learning Monday 13th December

Hello all. All links and videos from class today have been shared on dojos and class story.

So, as you have seen on dojos, today we shared the story of Snow Bears.

We made Cristmas crackers.

We read our own reading books.

We built a snowman.

We watched 2 phonics videos and a big number song.

We printed poppies and sequenced months of the year to make a calendar.

We have done PE.



Home learning – 10.12.21

Good morning all, I hope you are all okay. Here is your home learning for today.


Reception –


Have a go at this fun wrapping activity – what’s the strangest thing you can wrap?!

Year One –


Remember to count carefully! If you have any coins at home, maybe you could count those too? How many can you find that are the same amount?

Year Two –


Remember that you are counting both pounds and pence this time. The video should help you but if you get stuck please ask me for help.


Reception – on Oxford Owl could you look at the story Get Up! Maybe you could draw a picture about the book?

Year One – on Oxford Owl please look at The Gingerbread Man. Your grown-up could ask you the questions at the end of the book and you could write a sentence about what the Gingerbread Man says.

Year Two – on Oxford Owl please look at Blackbirds and write a non-fiction report about them.


As it is Christmas, could you find out about a different Christmas story; one that is not about the birth of Jesus and tell me about it please.



I hope you have a lovely weekend.

Home learning – 09.12.21

Good morning, here are your tasks for today.



How many things can you do in a minute? Can you write me a list of the things you can do and how many times you could do them. Ask your grown up to time you.

Year One


Year Two



Mrs Henderson’s group: Nog in the Fog from RWI on Oxford Owl

Mrs Bickerstaffe’s group: A pet goldfish. Can you describe a fish for me please. Start with… My fish is

Mrs Whitehouse’s group: Up in the Air. Can you describe your favourite method of air travel that you read about in the book. Why do you like it so much. What would it feel like to be among the clouds?


On Christmas Day 1914, soldiers in the first world war received a gift from Queen Mary which was a box containing special treats. It was only a small box but it contained cigarettes, lemon drops, a Christmas card and a photo of Queen Mary. If you were to design a box, what would it look like and what would it contain? Design me your box and show me the contents.

Home learning – 08.12.21

Good morning, hope you are all okay this morning. Here is your home learning for today:


Reception – make an obstacle course and see how long it takes you to complete it. Can anyone else in your family complete it? Are they quicker or slower than you are? Maybe you can make a chart to see who comes first, second and third in your family?

Year One – watch the video on recognising coins. What coins do we have? Can you draw them? Maybe you have some coins at home that you can look at?



Year Two – today we are counting money in pence (so up to £1). Maybe you have some coins at home that you can look at to help you remember them all?


PHONICS – go onto Oxford Owl

Reception – read Sun Hat Fun

Year One – read What is That?

Year Two – Read Horses and write four factual sentences about the book.



Watch the videos below:



Make a poster about reducing, reusing and recycling.



Sports Day 2021

They rain finally stopped for us to enjoy our annual Sports Day Competition.

It was so lovely to be together to take part in an event as a whole school again and everyone really enjoyed the competition.

The final point score was close but CONGRATULATIONS to Red house who were this year’s trophy winners.


Class One Visit to Shrewsbury.

Class One’s Educational Visit to the Quarry Park in Shrewsbury.

It was so nice to be out and about on a class visit again and we all had a wonderful day exploring the surroundings. When we got off the bus the children commented on how big the park was.


First we saw the suspension bridge on Port Hill. We knew it was called a suspension bridge because of all the vertical cables holding it up. We had learnt about these in our structures lessons in school. We could see two supporting structures either side to support the deck. We talked about what the bridge was for. “So you can cross the river” Who can cross the river? “People and bikes but not cars. Boats can fit under too.”

We talked about what materials the bridge was made of and what shapes we could see in the bridge. “Triangles, diamonds and crosses”. We knew that these shapes were used to make the structure stronger.

We waved to the school children on the boat! We read the plaque on the bridge and found out that it was built in 1922. We worked out that this was almost 100 years old! When we were stood in the middle of the bridge we could feel that it bounced ever so slightly.


Next we walked along the river to the Welsh bridge. We talked about how this bridge was different. “It’s an arch bridge. Cars and people can go across.” What is it made of? “Stone” Will it wobble like the suspension bridge? “No” Why not? ” The stone is too strong.” We counted 5 arches in total. What shapes can you see here? “squares and rectangles” We had a short debate about whether or not boats would fit under! The children used their drawing skills to sketch the bridges they saw.

We heard the loud chimes of the bell at St Chads church. We counted 12 so it must be lunch time. After lunch we we followed the trail around the Dingle. On the way we were able to identify some features of a park like paths, a play park, a cafe and a band stand. We noticed that the river curved around the park. As we walked around the Dingle we saw all sorts of flowers in all colours and flying insects. It reminded us of when we were learning about pollination. In the dingle we spotted another bridge which we thought looked like a miniature version of the arch bridge we saw earlier.

When we came out of the dingle the children realised they were back at the start again. The path had taken us all around the Dingle. There was just enough time for a play in the play park before we got the coach home. There was even a bridge in the play park! I have never seen such big smiles as the children came down the big curly slide. Some of the children challenged themselves to climb frames they didn’t think they could climb.


Class One Spellings WB 5.7.21

We are going to be recapping some of those tricky sounds for the rest of the term so please find below the spellings in year groups.

Year 1: coat  coach  float  goats  lifeboat  soap

Year 2: Surround  pound  mountain  fountain  sprouting  clouds