Class 1- Home Learning Activities Monday 4th May

Good morning class one I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. Here are today’s activities:


Phonics – Recap and practise ai ee oa oo. Watch video on dojos class story then activities on purple mash slideshow.

Maths – Watch the video and play the games on the link below then do some estimating and checking. You could use objects inside or outside. Work with amounts up to 20. Watch the demonstration video on dojos class story. See if you can record your work using the video record in dojos portfolio.

English – Use the slideshow tool to record yourself reading your book to me. I can’t wait to hear them!

Music – 2 explore on purple mash

Year 1:

Phonics – Recap and practise split digraph a-e e-e i-e. Watch video on dojos class story then activity on purple mash.

Maths – We will be learning about addition and subtraction and try to become really confident understanding and using number bonds to 10 and 20. Watch the 2 video clips in this link.

Then complete the following maths in your yellow books. You should whizz through this one! Number bond recall challenge    

Numbots number bonds to 10

English – Read chapter 2 of ‘Anna and the third leaf’ on purple mash.

Music – 2explore on purple mash.

Year 2:

Phonics – Homophones and near homophones slideshow and quiz on purple mash.

Maths – We will be learning about addition and subtraction and try to become really confident understanding and using fact families within 20. Watch the 2 video clips in this link. Answer the questions from the video by writing them in your yellow book. 

Then complete the following maths using your fact families knowledge in your yellow book. You could use 2 different colour duplo/lego bricks to help model your calculations if you need to. Fact families to 20 year 1   Fact families to 20 year 1 using reasoning

English – Read chapter 3 of ‘Ned and the detectives’ on purple mash.

Music – creating a party beat on purple mash.