Class 1 Home Learning – Tuesday 19th May

Good morning everybody.

Today’s activities are below.


Phonics – Watch the learning video on class story on dojos for your new sounds this week oi er followed by the activity on purple mash.

English – Following on from yesterday’s work, draw and write sentences for what happened in The Very Hungry Caterpillar for the days Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

Maths – Play the shape pattern games on this link Start on level 1 and see if you can have a go at higher levels.

Computing – Complete the typing activity on purple mash.

Year 1:

Phonics – Complete the phonics activity on purple mash for the alternative sounds we are looking at this week ow ie ou

English – Complete the 3 activities set on purple mash which are linked to chapter 4 of Anna and the 3rd leaf that you read yesterday.

Maths – Watch the learning videos and play the games from this link.  Then, make 3 of the 2d shapes using any construction toys, play dough or craft materials that you have at home and list some of their properties in your home book.

Computing – Complete the typing activity on purple mash.

Year 2:

Phonics – Complete the activities on the slide show on purple mash for words ending in ‘tion’.

English – Complete the 3 activities set on purple mash which are linked to chapter 5 of Ned and the Detectives that you read yesterday.

Maths – Watch the learning video and play the games in this link  Than can you see if you can make some models of some 3d shapes using any construction toys, play dough or craft materials that you have at home. List their properties in your home learning book.

Computing – Complete the typing activity on purple mash.

Don’t forget we love to see any photos of your work on class Dojos.