Class 3 home learning 26.1.21

Good morning Class 3! I’d just like to apologise if it took me a while to reply to anyone yesterday, I was having some trouble with my internet connection!

Our meeting today is at 2pm, see you there!


As normal, please start by warming up on TT rockstars,  have a go on garage mode, studio and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends!

Then try out daily multiplication tables challenge 13 – 24 Times Tables sheet

Here is today’s worksheet: Rules of fractions

Check your answers once you have finished: 12 answers


Watch this clip. Write a question and answer interview with Steve Backshall that could appear in a wildlife magazine. The interview should capture Steve’s excitement after seeing the helicopter’s ‘bird’s eye’ footage of a blue whale.


Please practice your new spellings and read a chapter on fiction express!


Today you will be looking at what makes an effective video! So how can you make your videos/tik toks stand out from the millions of others? These skills might be useful if you are planning on entering the music competition I told you about on Friday! Click here to go to today’s lesson and here is the worksheet: Computing


So by now you should have gathered all of your research and know what the most popular types of pizza are! Your presentation should be shaping up nicely! I’m really looking forward to seeing them. For today, I would like you to come up with 3 different pizza designs. They must be drawn and labelled by hand and each pizza needs a short explanation as to why you have chosen that design. Once you’ve drawn them and labelled them and told me a bit about each one, you can most definitely colour in your pizzas!

I shall see you all at 2pm! Please have your English interview questions ready to share!