Good morning class 3! Welcome to day 1 of home learning! Before you start, I would like everyone to send me an email via your outlook accounts. If you haven’t responded to the teams meeting invitation please do so!
To begin with I have attached everyone’s favourite multiplication tables challenge, if you can print it off; great, if not don’t worry, just have a go on a piece of paper! Don’t forget to set a timer for 5 minutes!
Can you also challenge a friend on times table rockstars?
Once you’ve done that, I would like you to watch this video on how to simplify fractions:
Once you’ve watched the video, have a go at this worksheet: Simplify fractions
When and ONLY when you’ve finished, check your work using the answer sheet: Answers
Tomorrow you will be writing a recount of what you got up to over Christmas! For today’s lesson I would like you to plan and remind yourself using the mind map sheet. Please focus on interesting adjectives and plan which cohesive devices you would like to include.
Reading: Please read a chapter on fiction express and complete the following quiz!
In science we are going to be studying the human body, today’s first lesson is looking at the human organs and understand why we need them. Click here to go to the lesson.
Luckily for you, Joe Wicks is doing PE lessons again! Thanks Joe! His lessons are released every Monday, Wednesday and Friday just click here to go to Joe’s youtube page.
Once you’ve completed these lessons you can practise your weekly spellings and log on to purple mash and complete your weekly 2do’s. Spellings will be tested every Friday in a live teams meeting!
Please send photographs of you work to me directly either via email or class dojo, alternatively you can upload your work to your ‘portfolio’ on classdojo if you prefer. It is important that we stay motivated and try our best even when working from home!
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me! See you on teams at 11:30am!
Miss France