Class 3 home learning 8.1.21

Good morning Class 3! Don’t forget about our teams meeting at 10:30 this morning! Here are your lessons for today:


Warm up those big brains on TT Rockstars, have a go on garage mode, studio and soundcheck and then challenge some of your friends!

Then, challenge yourself on the 13 – 24 Times tables sheet!

Once you’ve watched the video, have a go at these questions: Fractions on a number line

Check your answers once you’ve finished: Answer sheet


Complete the ‘box the word’ 2do on purple mash in which you will be converting nouns and adjectives into verbs using suffixes!

When you’ve completed that, here is a reading comprehension for you to do: Planet Earth Comprehension

When you have completed your comprehension, check your answers (No cheating): Planet Earth Answers

Spellings: Here are your new spellings which I will test you on next Friday! Week 1 spellings


Our good friend Joe Wicks is delivering a live PE lesson at 9am today but if that’s too early for you, you can stream it on youtube whenever you like!


We’re going to do some revision on greeting in French today, so log in to your duolingo account and complete the 4 lessons I have assigned you.

Please continue to read on fiction express and complete the 2do’s on purple mash once you have completed these lessons!

I’m looking forward to seeing you all at 10:30!

Have a great day of learning and fab weekend!

Miss France