Class 3 home learning tasks 12.5.20

Hi everyone! Keep the work and photos coming in, it looks like everyone is working extremely hard!

English: As a reminder, you can complete this quiz on tense first:

Then you should be ready to complete today’s lesson on report writing!

Maths: If you have finished the previous maths mats, have a go at this one: Maths mat

Today’s Bitesize maths lesson:

Please carry on with your weekly projects! I don’t mind if you’d rather send photos of your work daily or weekly, as long as I am getting it!

Extra: WWF are running a garden safari live on facebook at 11am!,11B4Q,71AOC6,3Y6MI,1#planet

The Natural History Museum in London have made the museum accessible from the comfort of your own home, you can take virtual tours and even have Sir David Attenborough narate as you explore the museum! Amazing!

Keep smiling everyone!

Miss France