Class 3 home learning tasks 20.4.20

Good morning Class 3 and welcome back to online learning! I hope you’ve had a great Easter break and have consumed many Easter eggs!

As it is currently unclear how much longer lock-down is going to go on for, I am going to take a ‘project’ approach to online learning. You will still be set a maths and english task each day, along with a themed project that will last the entire week. The learning project PDF also has suggestions for maths, english, reading and spelling activities that I would like to work through throughout the week.

Maths: So, if you can remember all the way back to before the Easter holidays, the last activity you completed was based around the rules of algebra, you may wish to have a quick look at the last worksheet before you tackle this one!

1a Pairs of Values

5a. Pairs of Values

9a Pairs of Values


1a Recognising parenthesis

5a Recognising parenthesis

9a Recognising parenthesis

Weekly learning project: This week you will be learning about your family! This might be something you could do with siblings, parents or grandparents! Please record your project in your blue exercise books as best as possible, I realise some aspects may need to be done on paper and share any photos of your work via class dojo!

My family – Learning project

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me via email or class dojo.

Have a great day!

Miss France