Class 3 home learning tasks 21.4.20

Hello all! I hope you’ve all made a good start to your ‘my family’ project! I will be asking you all to upload or email me photos of your projects on Friday as I would love to see them!

Maths: A bit of roman numeral revision today!

1a Roman Numerals

5a Roman Numerals

9a Roman Numerals


1a Recognising Parenthesis

5a Recognising Parenthesis

9a Recognising Parenthesis

French: Most of you have been completing the assigned work on duolingo so well done you! If you are yet to login, please do so and complete the assignments you have been given.

Please continue with your weekly programme from yesterday! I look forward to seeing them, completed, on Friday!

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me via email or class dojo!

Miss France