Class 3 home learning tasks 22.4.20

Good morning! Welcome to another day of home learning!


1a Roman Numerals

5a Roman Numerals

9a Roman Numerals


Sorting advertisement vocabulary

I’d like you to have a go at this verbs lesson through BBC Bitesize!

Project: Please continue with your ‘my family’ projects!

I will be available on Friday at Hinstock School if you wish to speak to me about any concerns. The Hinstock phone number is: 01952 550220

I will be ringing the students who are not engaging with the online learning to see if there is an on-going issue that can be rectified and as a reminder of the importance of home learning during these uncertain times.

Please continue to do PE with Joe everyday, using TTrockstars and completing your CGP books!

Hope you are all well!

Miss France