Class 3 home learning tasks 27.4.20

Good morning Class 3! I hope you had a great weekend in the sun! I’m hoping after some conversations I had last week that everyone will be logging on today and completing these tasks. I ask that you complete the English and maths tasks first before you make a start on your weekly project!

Maths: Have a go at these word problems. Don’t worry if you don’t have a printer, you can just answer them straight into your blue exercise books.

Multiplication and Division Word Problems

English: Here is the link to today’s English lesson on using punctuation and paragraphs! Again, use your blue exercise books where necessary.

Weekly Project: I LOVED the ‘my family’ projects that were emailed to me! Amazing effort from those that I have seen. The weekly project this week is based on the ‘area that you live in’ and will challenge your design skills! There are also suggestions for other activities you can have a go at on your weekly project sheet, such as: spellings, writing tasks and maths tasks! Lots to keep you busy!

Weekly Project – ‘Area you live in’

As normal, please continue with P.E with Joe, Duolingo, TTrockstars, purple mash and your CGP books!

If you or your parents have any questions then please give me a message on class dojo or feel free to email me!

Have a great day!

Miss France