Class 3 home learning tasks 4.5.20

Hello everyone! Welcome to week 7 of home learning! I have really enjoyed seeing the hard work you are putting into your weekly projects, they are looking brilliant and will be added to your portfolio’s on Class Dojo as evidence of the work you are completing during these strange times.

Maths: Have a go at this arithmetic warm-up:

Arithmetic warm-up

Today I would like you to complete this Bitesize lesson:

English: Have a go at this grammar warm-up:

Grammar warm-up

I would like you to complete this reading lesson in your blue exercise books:

Weekly Project: This week’s project is about different viewpoints!

Weekly learning project

Extra: I have uploaded some additional lessons to purple mash for you to work through once these lessons have been completed. I have also sent challenge to all of your on TTRockstars so log in and try and beat me! Please continue with your CGP books, P.E with Joe or cosmic kids yoga and duolingo!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Miss France