class one home learning 27/03/20

Good morning! I hope you have had a lovely week, we’re almost at the end of week one at home now and I hope you have enjoyed being outside and learning that way as much as being inside and doing the tasks set online? Purple Mash has now been put into groups so you should find it easier to see what I have set you from today.  As always I am on class dojo if you want to message me with any issues that crop up.  Today’s tasks are on Purple Mash for English and Maths and are as follows:

Reception – Paint a butterfly for English, triangular things for Maths and for Topic please make a minibeast out of anything you like!

Year One – Life cycle of a butterfly for English, one more/one less for Maths and for Topic please make a minibeast out of anything you like!

Year Two – Life cycle of a butterfly leaflet for English, 10/20 frame for Maths and for Topic please make a minibeast out of anything you like!

I’m very excited to see what minibeast creations you come up with, so if you can, please share your photos with me on class dojo to brighten up my day.  Don’t forget to keep reading daily please and to get lots of fresh air and exercise. You can also play any games that you like on Purple Mash too, as well as completing your learning booklets that you brought home with you last week.

Have a lovely weekend x