Easter Learning Task

Dear Class One

I hope you are planning on having a lovely Easter holiday – please don’t eat too many chocolate eggs or I will be very jealous!  I’ve found some lovely activities over on Purple Mash based around Easter that I thought you might want to have a go at over the next two weeks.  If you can’t get on there, I’ll list them below for you.

Reception – draw and paint a Simnel cake. Draw and decorate an Easter egg (could be 2-D or 3-D if you’re feeling adventurous). Do you know why we have eggs at Easter?  Make an Easter hat. Find out about the Easter story.

Years One and Two – write a letter to me about the Easter Story.  Write an acrostic poem using the word EASTER.  Find out about different Easter traditions.  You could also do the art tasks set for Reception too.

If you have an Easter egg hunt in your garden, or make anything creative, please pop a photo onto Class Dojo for us to see so that we can share your activities.  But not too many photos of you eating chocolate eggs please.

Have a lovely holiday.