Class 3 and Class 2 trip to Derby

Children must be at school at 7.45 am ready for our 8.00 am departure.

Uniform, sensible shoes, waterproof coat, packed lunch and water bottle required.  Also, plain hat or scarf to cover head as mark of respect and clothing that covers all of the body.

Expected back at school at 3.45 pm, dependant on traffic.



Starts Thursday 10th November.

Children who have been allocated a place will be told on Friday 4th November.

Aladdin Pantomime Visit

Children attending our Panto visit on Wednesday 30th November children will require a packed lunch from home.  Only children in Class 1 or children in receipt of Free School Meals will be able to order a sandwich lunch for this day which must be ordered by Thursday 24th November.

Class 3 – Jodrell Bank visit

It is essential that we leave the school at 8.40am (please arrive at 8.30am at the classroom, so toilets can be used before getting on the coach). We will return in time for the end of the school day.  Children will need to wear school uniform, so we can recognise them easily, sensible shoes are essential and are to bring their water bottles with them. They will need a packed lunch, preferably in a disposable bag with their name on it.