Sports Relief – Lunchtime, Friday 13th March 2020

In support of Sport Relief  the School Council have organised sporting activities during lunchtime on Friday 13th March.   £1 per child to enter, each competitor will get a small prize.  Important – those wanting to take part need to send £1 in named envelope by Thursday to enable enough prizes to be obtained.  Thank you.

Selected pupils – North Shropshire County Finals

Children will be travelling by minibus and leaving school very promptly at 8.50 am, so your child must be at school by 8.45 am, ready to go.  We will return to school at approximately 4.45 pm, depending on traffic.  Your child will need to come to school already dressed in their PE kit with a packed lunch, snacks, water bottle, warm top and joggers.

Year 5/6 Class Trip

Children need the following:
  • packed lunch
  • water bottle
  • coats (waterproof if necessary)
  • wellington boots (or suitable footwear)
  • suncream/sun hat (if necessary)
Notes for children:
  • please careful of any ditches, tree roots and paths as they can easily be covered in water
  • stay away from any dogs or people
  • do not be in contact with any water unless a member of staff says they can
  • no eating of any berries they may see around the moss – many are inedible.

Year 3/4 Class Trip

Children need the following:
  • packed lunch
  • water bottle
  • coats (waterproof if necessary)
  • wellington boots (or suitable footwear)
  • suncream/sun hat (if necessary)
Notes for children:
  • please careful of any ditches, tree roots and paths as they can easily be covered in water
  • stay away from any dogs or people
  • do not be in contact with any water unless a member of staff says they can
  • no eating of any berries they may see around the moss – many are inedible.