School Council Comic Relief Egg Challenge

Children can give any amount of money as a donation to come in something red.

We will also be doing an egg and spoon race with an eggsiting twist – bring in your own egg (we would advise you to hard boil it) and then give it a fantastic new look.  We will also be doing a fancy dressed egg competition.  Winner will get a prize!

Entry for the egg and spoon race is 50p per person.

Entry for your egg into the fancy dress completion is 50p per person.

Safer Internet Day

Come along at 2.30 pm, in the school hall, to join us for a “tea and biscuits” get together to discuss any internet concerns you may have and share ideas and support.  Children will be doing some work around keeping safe online and you will be welcome to go into classes and talk to them to share what they know and are doing. We look forward to seeing you.

Mufti Day

Mufti Day in return for a wrapped Secret Santa gift for the PTA Christmas Fair.  A unisex gift preferably, or if not, to be labelled boy/girl/male/female.  Items to value of £1 – £2 such as pens, crayons, hair clips, pen toppers etc, etc. Thank you.