Home learning – 15.01.21

Good morning. Here are your home learning tasks for today. Year one – join me online at 1:00 for your spelling test! Year Two – join me online at 1:15.


Reception – today we are learning the tricky words he and she. Can you try to read them for me.  They are tricky because they make an ‘ee’ sound but only have one e at the end.

R fri words wk2

Sing the alphabet song

Play Grab a Giggling Grapheme at Phonics Play. Choose the ‘all of phase 2’ option.


Years One and Two – today we are learning alternative spellings for the m phoneme.

Practise reading these tricky words

1 and 2 fri wk2

Ask your grown-up to read these sentences to you and see if you can have a go at writing them down, like we do in class.

1 and 2 sentences fri wk2

Pop over to Phonics Play and have a go at Reading Robot phase 5.




Reception – continue subtracting today.  This time lets do more than one less. Grab five objects like yesterday and try these number sentences.


Years One and Two – Today we are continuing to subtract or take away.  Use yesterday’s video as a reminder if you need it and then have a go at these questions.



Reception – Lets have a crafty English lesson today. Here are some ideas for you to get crafty with the Wild Things, but which idea will you choose?  I’m looking forward to seeing what you create.


Years One and Two – In the story of Where the wild things are, Max and the wild things go on a wild rumpus.  Can you tell me what they are doing in each of the images.  Please write at least three sentences for each picture making sure you try to use ‘and’ to join sentences together. Don’t forget your capital letters, finger spaces and full stops.


Spellingsyears one and two please join me on Teams for your spelling test this afternoon. Bring a pencil and some paper and remember to have your mics off please.



What is a map and why is it useful?

Whole class – Watch the video below to find out why we need maps.


Today can you create a map of the forest where the wild things lived?  Don’t forget that maps aren’t black and white but are coloured in to help identify the differences between land and sea. Years one and two please remember to include a key with your map so I know what your symbols represent.




Let’s end the day with a story.