Home Learning – 22.04.20

Good morning everyone.  I hope you all had a lovely Easter and didn’t eat too many eggs!  Today I’m going to set you some Topic work to complete over the next few weeks that will focus on History and Geography (for Years One and Two) and on a storybook for Reception and I’ll be posting some English and Maths work daily.


English: find a storybook from home that you know really well and have a go at acting it out with your grown-up.  You could dress up as the characters or make them as paper puppets like we do in class.  If you can video your results or take photos we would love to see your stories in action.

Maths: can you do some measuring at home?  Can you find five to ten objects and put them into height order from smallest to biggest?  Can you find the smallest one? Can you find the biggest one? Which toy is in the middle?  Please send me some photos of your measuring.

Topic: Over the next few weeks I would like you to do some work on the story of Rainbow Fish.  There are lots of videos of this story being read over on YouTube so it doesn’t matter if you don’t have the book.  These are the activities I would like you to complete:

  • Draw and make your own Rainbow Fish. Maybe you could do this as a mosaic?
  • Write the story of the Rainbow Fish.  Remember to use finger spaces between your words.
  • If you went under the sea, what creature might you see?  Can you draw it and tell me what it is?  You could make this up and be as imaginative as you like!
  • Make some Rainbow Fish puppets and act out the story.
  • Find out what life is like under the ocean and what creatures live there – get your grown-up to help you research this. Draw me a picture and write a sentence to go with it.
  • Have a go at bubble painting.


Year One and Two

English: Over on Purple Mash I have set you ‘when I grow up’.  Please tell me about what you would like to be when you are all grown up.  Please add some images to your work and remember to use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops in your writing, which I know is tricky when you are on the computer.  Year Two can you try and use some joining words such as ‘and’ ‘so’ ‘because’ to make your writing even better?

Maths: This week we are looking at measuring.  Mrs Jones set you some weighing tasks and I would like you to try measuring in length.  Year One can you find between five and ten objects from around the house and measure them with a non-standard unit (this could be lego/duplo bricks or tin cans as examples but they must be the same size). Can you write/draw in your home learning books what objects you found and how big they are and what you used to measure them with?  Year Two I would like you to do the same thing but if possible to measure your items with a ruler (please use cm to do this).  Remember to have your ruler the correct way around and to start at zero! What was the longest object you found? What was the shortest? What is the difference between the largest and shortest object? If you added up the lengths of all of your objects, how long would that be?

Topic: Over the next few weeks I would like you to find out about a significant individual from the past.  This could be a king or queen, an explorer, a scientist or someone else who has done something amazing.  Please do not choose a pop star, movie star or sports star.  When you have chosen someone (your grow-up might be able to give you some people to choose from if you don’t know of anybody) these are the things I would like you to do in your home link book. (There are some great biographies on Purple Mash as a starting point):

  • Research your person. Write about them.  Tell me their name, when and where they were born, about their family and what they have done that has made them famous.  This is called a biography.  Remember to write in full sentences,using ‘and’ to join them together, and try to include an interesting fact!
  • Draw/paint a portrait of your individual.
  • What country are they from? Find out about this country.
  • How is this place different from Cheswardine?
  • Make the national flag of this country.
  • Find out what food they eat in this country.  Write a recipe and/or make a dish from this country.