Home learning – 23.04.20

Good morning Class One, I hope the sun is still shining for you today.  Here are your home learning tasks for English and Maths. Remember to choose another from your topic list to do.


English – Think of the story that you acted out yesterday. Can you draw me a picture from it in your home learning book and write a sentence to tell me what is happening in your picture.

Maths – Today we are going to look at capacity – you might want to do this outside.  Can you find some jugs and pans and fill them with water.  Which one holds the most? Which one holds the least.  Can you fill them up and empty them into each other? Try not to get too wet! If your grown-up has any, maybe you could use food colouring to change the colour of your water and make some super potions!!!

Topic – choose another Rainbow Fish task to work on.

Year One:

English – On Purple Mash I have set you a writing task about your best friend. Remember to use lots of nice adjectives (describing words) in your sentences.

Maths – lets look at capacity today.  You might want to do this outside. Can you find 5 containers. If you have a jug with a scale on it, can you see how much it holds when it is full and when it is half full?  Which of your containers holds the most water?  Which holds the least water? Can you find a small pot – like an empty yogurt pot or an egg cup – how many of these does it take to fill three of your larger containers?  Can you record all of this in your home learning books.

Topic – choose another of your tasks to work on.

Year Two: 

English – On Purple Mash I have set you a writing task about your best friend. Remember to try to use some expanded noun phrases in your writing (adjective, adjective noun – i.e. big, brown bear).

Maths – lets look at capacity today. Can you make a scale to use to find out how much water something contains?  You might want to use a ruler to help you make one, or some lego blocks but whatever you use it needs to be the same throughout. When you have done this, get five different containers and see how much water they hold, using your scale, when they are full and half full and record in your home learning book.  Then get one small pot or container, i.e. a yogurt pot or egg cup.  How many of these will fill three of your different containers? Can you make a prediction as to how many you think each will hold? Are your predictions correct? Please record in your home learning book.

Topic – choose another of your tasks to work on.