Home learning tasks 01/04/20

Good morning Class One.  I hope you’ve been having an enjoyable week.  This week for Topic I thought I would set you three tasks to do from your yellow book:

Make a 3-D garden based on your design from last week.

Keep a plant diary – there is a template for this on Purple Mash which I will send you or you could keep your own diary version in your yellow book.  Let me know how your seed is progressing.

Do the Rainbow alphabet based on fruit and vegetables.  Can you find 26 different ones?

The rest of your work for today is on Purple Mash.  I know some of you have been struggling to get on there so complete a task from your home learning pack instead. Remember to keep your reading and exercise up, have you been working out with Joe Wicks?

Have a lovely day and don’t forget to message me on Class Dojo if you have any questions or want to show me your work.