Dear Parents and Carers,
As the year comes to an end it is a time of reflection. The “World Cup” came to Cheswardine last month, with our Year 2 children winning the KS1 tournament. They played really well, only letting in one goal. The children represented the school well.
Thank you to everybody that bought books at the recent “Book Fair”, from the sales we were able to purchase £187 of books for our class libraries.
Your children may have told you about the new “Nature’s Gym” that is within or wooded area. This is the start of a new exciting project that we hope to add gym equipment throughout the next year. We would like to thank Mr Wilson and his band of workers for working to produce a good area to play in. Our sponsored school event raised nearly £500, which will be used to purchase further equipment for this development. We are awaiting the outcome of two bids, to determine how much equipment we can purchase.
Our sports teams have achieved a lot this year; competing in the Level 3 event in rounders, Level 2 events in athletics and archery, a year 3 child represented North Shropshire in the cross country event and a year 6 children represented North Shropshire in the swimming gala. The children in the school show great sportsmanship and will try their best in whatever event they are taking part in.
The school play will be performed this week, giving all children a role within it. We can use this activity when we apply for the “Artsmark Award”. The children are trying their best in the hot conditions that we have endured recently. Our “Boy’s Dance” group have contributed towards our application.
I would like to wish all our Year 6 pupils the best for their future education and I hope to hear good things about you. Have a good summer break and we shall see everybody on Wednesday 5th September.