05/02/2021 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


It’s Friday again and almost the weekend!


For Flexi Fingers today grab some pegs and help Mummy or Daddy hang some washing! Maybe you have some doll’s clothes that need to be hung up too?


Print off and copy this matching cards game, you could even make your own snap game with it. If you can’t print it, why not draw the pictures yourself to make your own game? T-S-021-Where-the-Wild-Things-Are-Matching-Cards-and-Board.pdf (twinkl.co.uk)


For Phonics today have a listen to Hickory Dickory Dock and sing the song as the actions happen on this video.

Hickory Dickory Dock (phonicsplay.co.uk)


For some number fun try  this interactive game: The Gingerbread Man Game – Counting, Matching and Ordering game (topmarks.co.uk) Try the counting one today. Start with 1-5 and move onto 1-10 if you would like.


Have a lovely weekend. I would love to see some photos of what you get up to, Leanne.