06/07/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggested Activities



Good morning everyone!


As you know we are coming to the end of the Summer term and the academic school year. This will be the final post regarding Nursery Home Learning but will provide many ideas for the next two weeks.


Useful websites / links:

YouTube – Cosmic Yoga

You Tube – Singing Hands for Makaton signing.

YouTube – search Jolly Phonics for the songs.

YouTube – Go Noodle – the following is a current favourite at the moment    https://youtu.be/BQ9q4U2P3ig




To help develop phonics skills, here are some tips.

Go on listening walks – this can be done anywhere, at any time – just listen to the noises of your surroundings!

Sing lots of Nursery rhymes.

Read lots of stories, talk about the pictures in the books.

Look at the various sounds (letters) in the environment e.g. is there a ‘s’ on the sign post?

Use instruments – if you don’t have any use pots and pans and wooden spoons and have lots of fun! Can your child make a loud sound and a quiet sound?




Mathematical skills:

Count – count everything! Count how many pieces of fruit they have and what happens to the amount when they eat one. Count how many people live in their house.


Shapes – shapes are everywhere so talk about the shapes of things they see e.g. what shape is the door? What shape is the window?



Finally, one big, big thing you can do is just talk to your children and listen to them. As you talk they will learn new words and copy these. If you listen to them they will also become good listeners themselves which is a massive skill.

