28/01/2021 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning!


Using some of the play dough that you made yesterday or some you already have and some craft materials make a model of a bird. So, if you have some feathers or googly eyes, add those to your play dough.


Go outside and enjoy the fresh air and look for some twigs and sticks and make a nest for your play dough bird. How can you keep him warm? I would love to see some photos of your play dough bird in his nest!


Today we will look at the number 4. Can you draw a number 4 on your garden path using chalk? Can you use a paintbrush and water to draw a number 4 on the path? How about  this funny one – can you draw a number 4 on Mummy or Daddy’s back? Can they draw one on your back?


Don’t forget to have a look on our website if you need any more ideas. Here is the link:

Nursery-Routine.pdf (cheswardineschool.org.uk)


For story time and a Beat Baby activity go to stories on Class Dojo.


Have a lovely day, Leanne.