29/01/2021 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions


Good morning, it’s Friday again and we are near to the end of the month!


Here are today’s activities.

Can you find some paint and paint your whole hand! Can you make a bird using your whole hand!

Image result for hand painting bird eyfs


For Phonics find some objects that begin with ‘h’.

Image result for heart Image result for hammerImage result for hat  Image result for horserHere are a few to help you get started. Once you have found more of your own see if you can draw some of them. Which one is your favourite?


Have you got your peanut butter, inner tube of a toilet roll and string ready? Let’s make a bird feeder!

Pop on to stories on Class Dojo to see how to make the bird feeder and for story time.


Have a lovely weekend, Leanne.