Class 3 home learning tasks 24.3.20

Today’s activities are attached and will be somewhat more familiar to the children. With regards to the maths worksheets, there are 3 and the children should know which numbered questions they usually work on in school.

There is also a differentiated grammar activity attached, the children can select which sheet they think they can challenge themselves with.

I am hoping you all got on to “P.E with Joe” yesterday and would recommend this becomes a daily activity following the new guidelines released from the Prime Minister today, restricting everyone from getting out and about!

You will also find a design activity attached for the children to try and inspire their creativity as well as educate them about Covid-19.

Purple mash has been experiencing a high level of users and the website has become a little unpredictable. I would recommend completing the set tasks first, and then using purple mash in the afternoon. I am also asking for a CGP test to be completed everyday in all 3 books (Maths, English & Reading).

I have found this online cooking tutorial which will be streaming live if you’re interested in making some pasta at home! (As there’s none in the shops)!

Any questions please email me or message me on Class Dojo!

Have a fab day!

Round Numbers 1a

Rounding Numbers 5a

Rounding numbers 9a

Expanded Noun Phrases 1

Expanded Noun Phrases 2

Expanded Noun Phrases 3

Design a suit activity