Wednesday 25/03/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions

Hello everybody, I hope you are all well. Following the news on Monday we need to ensure that the children are still participating in lots of physical activities at home.

Please continue joining in with Joe Wicks every morning at 9am. If you are looking for something different, search for Oti Mabuse on Facebook. She is a dancer on Strictly Come Dancing and is doing children’s dance classes at 11:30am live on her Facebook page every day. I watched one yesterday and it seemed like great fun!

So….yesterday you went on a shape hunt. Today try a number hunt and see what numbers you can find around your house and garden. For an extra challenge try and draw these numbers in your purple sketch book. Of course you are welcome to send some photos to Class Dojo. For those children going into Reception in September you have a number formation sheet in your pack to help you.

The next suggestion is another internet activity, however, it is one that should keep the children engaged. Again, it is on Facebook. Search for Early years speech language communication and confidence development. A live ‘sing and sign’ class will be shown at 9:30am. They are trying to make it as interactive as possible. If you have any of the following please use them: frog, favourite teddy, monkey, elephant, lion, crocodile and a shaker. I would love to see some videos of your children joining in!

Finally, have a picnic – indoors or outdoors. The children could help to make the picnic too! Have another great day!
