Home Learning Tasks Monday 30th March

Hello Class 2

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend. I am pleased that many of you managed to complete your tasks last week and I have enjoyed hearing off some of you on class dojo. Here are the tasks for today.



I have set you all a 2do on purple mash for English. Once you have completed the 2do there is a sheet of sentences to complete using what you have learnt.

Direct speech for year 3

Fronted adverbials for year 4

Relative clauses for year 5

Could you also ask someone in your house to test you on last weeks spellings? You can find this weeks spellings under the spellings tab.


Below is an enquiry that I would like you to do at home. This will be completed over two days – today and tomorrow. Perhaps you could try to make your parachute today and complete the questions on the second sheet straight into your books on Tuesday? I would also really like to see some of your parachute designs. Could you please take a photograph of your parachute and send it to me through class dojo? I will try and share some of the photos that I receive with you all. Don’t worry if you don’t have the exact materials at home you could try to use different items instead e.g. a small piece of fruit instead of an egg. Good luck and I am looking forward to seeing some of your designs!

STEM Egg parachute

Something Extra?

I have also added a times tables 2do -how many can you get correct?