Tuesday 31/03/2020 Nursery Home Learning Suggestions

Hello everyone!

So… the weather has gone a little bit cooler so here are some activities that can be done inside or outside.

Physical activity continues to be important and it is really good to mix it up. Today try some ‘Brain Breaks’ on YouTube. ‘Shake Your Sillies’ is one of my favourites!

You may well have seen that people are making rainbows to put in their windows. I think it would be a lovely idea if we all joined in and made our own rainbows (if you haven’t yet). Use anything you have – paint, crayons, craft / collage materials. I will make one too. How big will yours be? Put any photos on Class Dojo please.

I also have a bit of a problem. Whilst gardening I found an egg in my vegetable patch! My problem is that I don’t know where the egg came from and what will be inside it. Included in this post is a photo of the egg (the photo is a bit dark, sorry). Can you guess what is inside the egg? In your purple sketch book please draw a picture of what you think the egg will look like tomorrow and I will post another photo.

I would also like it if you were to spend time singing Nursery Rhymes today. It would be great to see any videos of you singing your favourite Nursery Rhymes on Class Dojo.

Keep safe, Leanne.