Home Learning Tasks Wednesday 1st April

Hi Class 2,

Thank you for the pictures of you parachutes yesterday there were some brilliant designs. I have also had a look at the scores for the grammar and times tables 2dos that I set you on Monday, most of you did really well – particularly with the times tables 2do so well done. Here are today’s tasks.



In your packs you should find a Titanic comprehension. Could you please complete it writing full answers into your lined book.

Titanic comprehension year 3

Titanic comprehension year 4

Titanic comprehension year 5


I have set you a 2do called 2sequence. Try using it to add different instruments and sounds to create a tune. Now try speeding it up and slowing it down – can you improve the sound?  Now try moving the position of the different instruments and changing the volume of each instrument. Try making these changes until you are happy with your composition. Once it is completed please save and submit your work.

Something Extra?

Can you please continue to read the books in your packs.